
Led by experienced filmmakers, our workshops can be your first step in professional film production, or just a great fun and form of spending your free time.

If you wish to organize a workshop with us-write!

Film Production Workshop

Participants learn the process of creating a short film, starting with their own ideas and ending with the premiere of the finished film. The result of the class is a film. Classes can last a few days, or even a few months.

Film Dubbing Workshop

Here you can learn the power of your voice and take a fascinating journey into the history of cinema.

TV Commercial Production Workshop

How to make a video about a product so that everyone likes it?
We experience the adventure of the first contact of the advertising Creator with the product, and then we find an idea that will allow the product to succeed in the market. We become advertising people for a moment

Film and Foreign Language Workshop for Children

Hania likes to explore the world. During these classes, we travel with her to different countries and learn foreign languages. We draw and sing. So far we have been in the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Japan, France, Persia, Ukraine and even in space. Who knows where else we’ll go in search of adventure. Classes for children of different ages.